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พญ. อริสรา โพธิ ( Dr. Arisara Photi)
ชื่อเล่น : ปูเป้ (Poupèe)
ประวัติการศึกษา : มัธยม รร. บดินทรเดชา (สิงห์ สิงหเสนี)
มหาวิทยาลัย : มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
Professional Background & Qualifications
Medical School
1995-2001 Faculty of Medicine, Rangsit University, Thailand
2002-2004 Internship Physician at
- Vachira Phuket General Hospital Phuket, Thailand
-Rajvithi Hospital, Bangkok Thailand
-Lerdsin Hospital, Bangkok Thailand
2005-2007 Internal Medicine Residency, Thammasart University
2008-2012 Physician, Internal Medicine department & Wellness Center Bangkok Phuket Hospital Thailand
2009 American Boar d Academy of Anti -Aging Medicine (A4M)
2010 -2022 Certificate of practicipation in American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)
2008-2016 Advance Cardiovascular Life support Program
2009-2016 Certification of Completion of Cell Therapy , Association of cell therapy Thai : ACT Thai
2009 -2016 Certification of Completion of Chelation Therapy, Chelation Medical Association Thailand
2010-2016 Certificate of Attendance in International Bangkok Congress on Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine (BCAARM)
Certificate of attendance in Clinical Application of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Physician , Thanyapura Integrative Health Center (Stem cell & Anti aging co-operate with Biovis Diagnostik German)
Physician , The Klinique : Mesotherapy conc. cell, botox, filler, IPL, Qs Nd Yag, E-matrix, fat lysis, Co2 laser, Dual Yellow
2013-2015 Physician at Villa Medica (Brio clinic) :Cell therapy (Fresh frozen cell, MSC), Chelation, vitamin infusion, colon hydrotherapy, blood laser, ozone, hyperthermia, Gc-MAF
2013-2020 Fresh cell therapy training at Villa Medica German
2016-2020 : Physician at Regenerative Medicine department, World Medical Center Hospital
2017-2021 : Integrative Medical Center Bangkok (IMC) & Medizin Zentrum Bad salzhausen Germany Cell Therapy : Fresh cell, Fresh frozen, Lyophilization cell , Placenta , Cell rejuvination, Carbozone, Ozone therapy
2019-2023 : Accolade Life Center (Masterpiece Hospital) : Fresh cell, Fresh frozen, Lyophilization cell , Placenta , Cell rejuvination, Ozone therapy
Thera clinic Thonglor 2019-2022; Anti againg center
TRIA Medical Wellness Center 2019-2023
Masterpiece Hospitl : Anti aging center 2019-2022
Bangpakok 1 Hospital : Anti aging Center 2019-2023
Bangkok Central Clinic IVF & Wellness 2022-2023
Apex Medical Center 2023-2024
Work Experience :
-American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine 2008-2023
-Cell Therapy , Association of cell therapy Thai : ACT Thai 2009-2023
-Chelation Medical Association, Thai 2009-2023
-Cell Therapy in DM, HT Practical Experience Workshop Bangkok Thailand
-The Anti-Aging Physician 's Approach to Obesity and Weight Management Conference Bangkok, Thailand
-International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD) 2010-2023
-The Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Surgery of Thailand
-Thai Society of Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine (TAARM)
Internationl Experiences :
-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine 2008-2023
-Certificate Attendance Regenerative & Anti aging Medicine 2009-2023 Klentze Medical Faculty
-SRAAMI Society for Regenerative Anti Aging and Aesthetic Medicine India 2010-2023
-International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology and antiaging (ICAD) 2010-2023
-International Master Course on Aging Skin ( IMCAS) 2009-2023
- Seoul Congress on Anti-aging medicine 2009-2023 Seoul , Korea
-International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Asia, Bangkok Thailand 2009-2023
ชื่อเล่น : ปูเป้ (Poupèe)
ประวัติการศึกษา : มัธยม รร. บดินทรเดชา (สิงห์ สิงหเสนี)
มหาวิทยาลัย : มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
Professional Background & Qualifications
Medical School
1995-2001 Faculty of Medicine, Rangsit University, Thailand
2002-2004 Internship Physician at
- Vachira Phuket General Hospital Phuket, Thailand
-Rajvithi Hospital, Bangkok Thailand
-Lerdsin Hospital, Bangkok Thailand
2005-2007 Internal Medicine Residency, Thammasart University
2008-2012 Physician, Internal Medicine department & Wellness Center Bangkok Phuket Hospital Thailand
2009 American Boar d Academy of Anti -Aging Medicine (A4M)
2010 -2022 Certificate of practicipation in American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)
2008-2016 Advance Cardiovascular Life support Program
2009-2016 Certification of Completion of Cell Therapy , Association of cell therapy Thai : ACT Thai
2009 -2016 Certification of Completion of Chelation Therapy, Chelation Medical Association Thailand
2010-2016 Certificate of Attendance in International Bangkok Congress on Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine (BCAARM)
Certificate of attendance in Clinical Application of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Physician , Thanyapura Integrative Health Center (Stem cell & Anti aging co-operate with Biovis Diagnostik German)
Physician , The Klinique : Mesotherapy conc. cell, botox, filler, IPL, Qs Nd Yag, E-matrix, fat lysis, Co2 laser, Dual Yellow
2013-2015 Physician at Villa Medica (Brio clinic) :Cell therapy (Fresh frozen cell, MSC), Chelation, vitamin infusion, colon hydrotherapy, blood laser, ozone, hyperthermia, Gc-MAF
2013-2020 Fresh cell therapy training at Villa Medica German
2016-2020 : Physician at Regenerative Medicine department, World Medical Center Hospital
2017-2021 : Integrative Medical Center Bangkok (IMC) & Medizin Zentrum Bad salzhausen Germany Cell Therapy : Fresh cell, Fresh frozen, Lyophilization cell , Placenta , Cell rejuvination, Carbozone, Ozone therapy
2019-2023 : Accolade Life Center (Masterpiece Hospital) : Fresh cell, Fresh frozen, Lyophilization cell , Placenta , Cell rejuvination, Ozone therapy
Thera clinic Thonglor 2019-2022; Anti againg center
TRIA Medical Wellness Center 2019-2023
Masterpiece Hospitl : Anti aging center 2019-2022
Bangpakok 1 Hospital : Anti aging Center 2019-2023
Bangkok Central Clinic IVF & Wellness 2022-2023
Apex Medical Center 2023-2024
Work Experience :
-American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine 2008-2023
-Cell Therapy , Association of cell therapy Thai : ACT Thai 2009-2023
-Chelation Medical Association, Thai 2009-2023
-Cell Therapy in DM, HT Practical Experience Workshop Bangkok Thailand
-The Anti-Aging Physician 's Approach to Obesity and Weight Management Conference Bangkok, Thailand
-International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology (ICAD) 2010-2023
-The Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Surgery of Thailand
-Thai Society of Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine (TAARM)
Internationl Experiences :
-American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine 2008-2023
-Certificate Attendance Regenerative & Anti aging Medicine 2009-2023 Klentze Medical Faculty
-SRAAMI Society for Regenerative Anti Aging and Aesthetic Medicine India 2010-2023
-International Congress of Aesthetic Dermatology and antiaging (ICAD) 2010-2023
-International Master Course on Aging Skin ( IMCAS) 2009-2023
- Seoul Congress on Anti-aging medicine 2009-2023 Seoul , Korea
-International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Asia, Bangkok Thailand 2009-2023